Why is it bad to leave homework to students if you don't give a good class?


Why is it bad to leave homework to students if you don't give a good class?

Basically, a teacher is used to giving you homework, that is, if you have 5 classes a day, at least 3 of the teachers will give you homework. But it is impossible for the student to perform and understand the task if the teacher does not give a good class and much worse if the student does not pay attention.

To begin with, what does it mean to be a teacher apart from being the one who directs and teaches. A teacher should come to his classroom prepared, and ready to answer his students' questions, not just walk into the room and sit in a corner. Take your planning and dominate the topic that you are going to give so that they do not lose out and that the students do not remain blank because they did not understand. The teacher, when planning his classes, must study his subjects and understand what he is planning, prepare before his class, practice alone at home and look for different ways to help his student understand and have meaningful learning.

Adding to the above, what happens if the teacher does not give a good class, only spends it talking about his personal life, or is easily distracted by other things or in the same way he does not even understand the subject and still takes the great idea to give homework to their students. Without a doubt, we know that in a classroom there are all kinds of students, the one who understands, the one who possibly does not understand, but is looking for additional information to understand, and finally the student who does not understand, but still must do things. Leaving them homework not only influences a work area that is the school, but also influences involving their mother, or their sisters, aunts, the neighbor, etc. The student who finds it difficult to learn and more if a teacher is not prepared causes many problems at home. Obviously, the mothers are going to question the students, “Why don't you pay attention? “You're a donkey”, “You don't know how to do anything”, to the point of saying painful words to the student without knowing that the teacher didn't even teach. In other cases, there are parents who spend their time working and are absent, and the children have no one to ask for help after the teacher asks for an assignment that they do not understand.

The duty of a good teacher is to help the students to learn, to help them understand and not get lost, to like school and not be afraid of learning. Not that they feel disappointed in themselves for not understanding what they are teaching. For this reason, if you are not a teacher who prepares for his classes, try not to leave homework to his students. This prevents mistreatment at home by parents, prevents the student from feeling cheated and avoids problems at home.


¿Por qué es malo dejar les tarea a los estudiantes sino das una buena clase?

Básicamente un maestro está acostumbrado a dejar tarea, es decir si tienes 5 clases al día, mínimo 3 de los maestros te dejarán tarea. Pero es imposible que el alumno realice y entienda la tarea si el maestro no da una buena clase y mucho peor si el alumno no pone atención.

Para empezar, que implica ser maestro aparte de ser el que dirige y enseña. Un maestro debe llegar a su salón de clases preparado, y listo para resolver las dudas de sus alumnos, no solo llegar al salón y sentarse en una esquina. Llevar su planeación y dominar el tema que va a dar para que ellos no salgan perdiendo y que los alumnos no se queden en blanco porque no entendieron. El maestro al planear sus clases debe ir estudiando sus temas y entendiendo lo que está planeando, se prepara antes de su clase, práctica él o ella sola en su casa y busca diferentes maneras para ayudar a su alumno a entender y tiene un aprendizaje significativo.

Agregando a lo anterior, que pasa si el maestro no da una buena clase, solo se la pasa hablando de su vida personal, o se distrae fácilmente con otras cosas o de la misma manera ni siquiera el comprende tema y aun así toma la grandiosa idea de dejar les tarea a sus alumnos. Sin duda, sabemos que en un salón hay todo tipo de alumno, el que comprende, el que posiblemente no comprende, pero busca información adicional para entender y por último el alumno que no entiende, pero aun así debe hacer las cosas. Dejar les tarea ya no solo influye un área de trabajo que es la escuela sino ya influye involucrar a su mamá, o sus hermanas, tías, la vecina etc. El alumno que le cuesta aprender y más si un maestro no está preparado ocasiona muchos problemas en casa. Obviamente las mamás van a cuestionar a los alumnos, “¿Qué no pones atención?, “Eres un burro”, “No sabes hacer nada “, al grado de decir les palabras dolorosas al alumno sin sabes que la maestra ni siquiera dio clase. En otros casos, hay padres que se la pasan trabajando y están ausentes, y los chicos no tienen a quien preguntar por ayuda después de que la maestra pidiera una tarea que los mismos no comprendieron.

El deber de un buen maestro es ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender, ayudar los que ellos comprendan y no sé pierdan, que le agarren el gusto a la escuela y no miedo de aprender. No que ellos mismo se sientan defraudados en sí mismo por no entender lo que están enseñando. Por eso mismo, si no eres un maestro que se prepara para sus clases, procura no dejar les tareas a sus alumnos. Esto evitas malos tratos en casa por parte de los padres de familia, evitas que el alumno se sienta defraudado de el mismo y evitas problemas en casa.
