
What is it like to learn the multiplication tables of the number nine?

  What is it like to learn the multiplication tables of the number nine? Many of the students hate the multiplication tables and much more the table of the number nine. Personally, I love mathematics, since I was little, I was always very good and without a doubt in the third year of elementary school and I already knew all my multiplication tables. Our teacher Mrs. Sheppard told us that we had to know the multiplication tables that were fundamental in our academic development through the years until we left our studies. Since we were going to always use mathematics for the rest of our lives and every minute was mathematics. As you have mentioned to me, many of the students hate mathematics, especially the table of the number nine and without thinking about it, it is one of the easiest tables that exist since there are two tips that can be given to learn from these tables. The first is to realize that the numbers or the results of these multiplication tables are repeated, that is,

Are observation practices a good tool for a teacher in training?

  Are observation practices a good tool for a teacher in training? One as a student of the Tenancingo Normal, in the first year of the career, we must do internships, we are entitled to 3 internships of 2 days per semester. We're not going to do anything directly, throw yourself at that school, you'll teach classes. In my opinion, I consider that the observation practices are of great help for our development as future teachers, since we could know how a teacher works, what types of students there are, what workshops, we identify what type of teacher we want. be in the future and we observe different strategies that teachers carry out. So, I do think it's good to have observation practices. On the other point, in which I do consider that they are not good, it is because the truth is that one as a student then makes one sleepy, also how we are only going to observe, a lot of time is wasted, where we do nothing. Because, just as we are going to observe, the students als

How much does good nutrition and sleeping your corresponding hours influence education?

  How much does good nutrition and sleeping your corresponding hours influence education? A good diet implies breakfast, lunch, lunch and dinner, there are 4 meals a day that should be done and approximately 8 to 10 hours of sleep that we should sleep. We are 33 students in my classroom and approximately 20% of these children sleep and eat well during a school day. Another 35% of them eat well but do not sleep and the other 15% sleep but do not eat at school and finally the group to which I belong is the one that does not sleep and eats well during the school day. Speaking from my point of view, obviously eating and sleeping your corresponding hours matter a lot in your academic development. Why is this, being well asleep implies that you are going to be active in class, your brain will be awake because it will be rested and relaxed to learn new things, or you will not be falling asleep in class, and likewise having a good breakfast in the morning It will mean that I won't have

Why is it bad to leave homework to students if you don't give a good class?

  Why is it bad to leave homework to students if you don't give a good class? Basically, a teacher is used to giving you homework, that is, if you have 5 classes a day, at least 3 of the teachers will give you homework. But it is impossible for the student to perform and understand the task if the teacher does not give a good class and much worse if the student does not pay attention. To begin with, what does it mean to be a teacher apart from being the one who directs and teaches. A teacher should come to his classroom prepared, and ready to answer his students' questions, not just walk into the room and sit in a corner. Take your planning and dominate the topic that you are going to give so that they do not lose out and that the students do not remain blank because they did not understand. The teacher, when planning his classes, must study his subjects and understand what he is planning, prepare before his class, practice alone at home and look for different ways to help

How does the disinterest of parents influence the learning of their children?

  How does the disinterest of parents influence the learning of their children? One as a teacher has different groups, third grade group "B" or first group "D". Likewise, we have different types of students, that is, we have some who learn in a different way, classifying them as the one who learns quickly with a single explanation, the one who looks for his way of learning by himself, the one who supports himself with another partner, the who possibly only cops and stays that way, also the one who only memorizes and finally the one who wants to learn, but has a hard time and does not understand, even if he reviews it 2 or more times. There is the case of a primary school girl, she is in first grade, last year she left kindergarten. She has an excellent teacher who is dedicated to her work and wants her students to learn. Since the girl went to kindergarten, her parents did not try to take her to school. If there was a party, they preferred to take her to school,

It's me!!!

It's me!!! My name is Yarely Piña Mancio, I am 22 years old. I'm studying, I'm going to be a Teacher.  I am the first girl in my house, firth daughter, first granddaughter for both of my grandparents, first niece. I'm trying to be a great teacher, and learn the BEST.  I like yo smile a lot, But I get mad easy, I work that they same time, and I really happy. 

Textos Académicos ll

  Textos Académicos ll Escuela Normal de Tenancingo  Licenciatura en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés en Educación Secundaria  Titular del Curso: Mtra. Maritza Montes de Oca Ruiz Trayecto formativo: Optativos Número de créditos: 4.5 Horas semanales: 4 horas  3° Semestre Propósito del Curso El curso optativo textos académicos 2, de la Licenciatura en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés en Educación Secundaria tiene como propósito ser un apoyo en el desarrollo de habilidades y estrategias para escribir académicamente en idioma inglés, favoreciendose así no solo la cultura de la escritura y la práctica de la segunda lengua, sino también el manejo de protocolos de investigación básicos, a fin de que el estudiante normalista fortalezca su experiencia en la redacción y divulgación de escritos personales de manera formal y validada, respecto a aquellos resultados y/o hallazgos encontrados en indagaciones hechos en otros espacios curriculares, particularmente, el de Práctica Docente en el Aul